If you are thinking about a trip or a tour of Australia, maybe you should also think about a trip to see some of the unique animals that Australia has to offer. So numbered from one to five are Australia's top indigenous animals chosen by scientists from all over the world...
If I asked you to nameIf you are thinking about a trip or a tour of Australia, maybe you should also think about a trip to see some of the unique animals that Australia has to offer. So numbered from one to five are Australia's top indigenous animals chosen by scientists from all over the world...

1. If I asked you to name an Australian animal, you would more than likely say Kangaroo. And this is definitely the most famous of all the Australian animals, but this creature has some amazing attributes. A Kangaroo can reach speeds of up to 44mph (70km/h) making it extremely fast! Interestingly though for their size, the average lifespan of a Kangaroo will live only for around 4-6 years.

2. Next up is the Dingo, another famed Animal of the outback. These are quite simply domestic dogs that have reverted back to their wild state, and can generally be found living around people. Many actually keep Dingoes as working dogs and pets, many believe the domestication of the Dingo should be undertaken to keep this breed alive.

3. The next is the Koala. Everyone knows what this cuddly bear looks like, and they are one of the most easily recognisable of all the bear species. The incisors at the front of the mouth (like a beak) allow the koala to cut up the leaves from a much loved eucalyptus tree!

4. One of the not quite so well known but that has still made a name for itself is the Platypus. This bizarre looking creature is best described as a cross between a duck and a beaver. With the beak of a duck like creature and the body and tail of an otter or beaver. An interesting fact about this animal is that it is venomous, which makes it one of only a few venomous mammals.

5. Finally is one that will be best known to many children across the world but only because of a computer game. The Bandicoot is large rodent like creature and is split up into around 20 species; they are omnivore creatures and grow to around 15 inches long, about the same size as a "Micro Pig" (ridiculous creatures).
So where can you go on Australian holidays, well a good start would be the Australia Zoo in Queensland, Australian tours are becoming some of the biggest attractions to this great nation. If any of these animals fascinate you, maybe travelling to this country to see them in the wild or in a zoo could just make your holiday!
Read more: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Top-5-Animals-To-See-When-Visiting-Australia-/960753#ixzz0gof02aJF
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
andicoot is large rodent like creature and is split up into around 20 species; they are omnivore creatures and grow to around 15 inches long, about the same size as a "Micro Pig" (ridiculous creatures).
So where can you go on Australian holidays, well a good start would be the Australia Zoo in Queensland, Australian tours are becoming some of the biggest attractions to this great nation. If any of these animals fascinate you, maybe travelling to this country to see them in the wild or in a zoo could just make your holiday!
Read more: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Top-5-Animals-To-See-When-Visiting-Australia-/960753#ixzz0gof02aJF
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
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